5 things that don’t go well with carpet

#5 Filtration– the black lines along the edges of the walls and around forced air vents. Filtration is created when you have a negative air flow. Air follows the least path of resistance and goes inside your walls making a black stain. Although challenging, I can almost always get Filtration out. Most carpet cleaning companies won’t try so give EnviroCare a call.

#4 Urine–Make sure to get out as much out as possible as soon as possible. It’s important to get it out as soon as possible because once it dries it can easily be permanent. Many times we can fix this problem. We work on the smell and the stain.

#3 Ink–Don’t even think about trying this one. Call us at (907) 337-7993because you can make a small spot larger quickly.

#2 Red Dye–From Cool Aid, Popsicle, Gatorade, anything with red in it. Believe it or not most of the time I can get this out. Yes EnviroCare is amazing.

#1 Mustard-Not much to say here except DON’T take it out of the kitchen. Mustard stains almost everything and is rarely removable from the carpet.

If you have problems with one or more of these stains, give EnviroCare a call at (907) 337-7993 or visit our website at;www.anchoragecarpetcleaning.com

5 Steps to Hiring the Best Carpet Cleaner

Is there a way to tell if the carpet cleaning company I invite into my home is a good carpet cleaner? Or am I going to get the ‘splash and dash,’ still have dirty carpets, and never see them again?

In short, you can know you have a good cleaner without all the worry. Here’s how:

  1. Hire a company that has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Many companies’ that do not offer a guarantee are not concerned about your satisfaction. They intend to clean for you only one time and move on to their next victim. A carpet cleaning company that wants a long term relationship with you will have no problem offering you a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
  2. Hire a carpet cleaning company that has plenty of testimonials. Make them show you what their clients think. If they don’t want you to know, you may want to reconsider making them your carpet cleaning company.
  3. Hire a cleaning company that will give you an exact price before they start cleaning. I have personally cleaned carpet for over 20 years. I always tell my clients exactly how much money its going to cost before I start. If the potential cleaning company is not willing to tell you exactly how much it will cost you before they start, or want to only give you a ballpark figure…let the red flags raise and sirens go off in your head!!!
  4. Ask how many years the cleaning company has been in business. 5 or less years they may be ok but that’s not a lot of time to be a good indicator. If you can, find a cleaning company that has been in business for 20+ years. ***Don’t confuse “years of experience” for “years in business” *** (This is a little known trick companies use to confuse potential clients in believing they have been in business much longer than they truly have.
  5. Sometimes you can do all your homework but your gut tells you differently. It might just be a small thing you didn’t like about the company or something just doesn’t seem right. Trust your gut!!!

Take a look at www.anchoragecarpetcleaning.net!